Our slogan Moving With Care is about caring for our customers, caring for our environment and caring for the community we live in. Vancouver is a wealthy city with skyrocketing housing prices and expensive cars on our streets. But underneath the glamour, many families are living from pay cheque to pay cheque and have no disposable income to afford basic items and clothing that most of us take for granted. During your move, you will discover many items that you no longer need. Old clothing, electronics and etc. Instead of throwing them away into the landfill, many families may find great use for them. When you donate your unwanted goods, not only you save our environment by reducing items going to the landfill, you also help the community. Your donations go directly to these families. We currently donate to Women's Shelter, Covenant house and also directly to families that need them. For donations, please put the items in card board boxes with big labels "Donations". Please let our movers know about the boxes for donation and if possible, please indicate on the box the charity you'd like us to drop it off at, for example (Women's shelter).
Due to personal hygiene, please do not donate undergarments, beds and mattresses. For food safety, please do not donate any food items unless they're non-perishable.
Due to personal hygiene, please do not donate undergarments, beds and mattresses. For food safety, please do not donate any food items unless they're non-perishable.