Estimating your total volume will give you a better idea about your move. Use our volume estimation tool below to get estimated the volume (in cubic feet)
Note: Your actual items will most likely vary in size, dimension & weight compared with our example items listed below, so this tool is best used to determine a rough approximation or range for the volume of your shipment.
Note: Your actual items will most likely vary in size, dimension & weight compared with our example items listed below, so this tool is best used to determine a rough approximation or range for the volume of your shipment.
Item |
Volume (cuft) |
Item |
Volume (cuft) |
Sofa |
60 |
Value |
Value |
Chair |
20 |
Book Case |
20 |
Coffee Tables |
10 |
Wall unit |
20 |
Television Table |
20 |
Upright Piano |
60 |
Carpet & Rugs |
10 |